Fiji Trip Report 7 to 19 February 2022
Peter Marsh
Party: Robin and Peter Marsh
While this report relates to birding sites in Fiji that are well covered by previous reports on Cloudbirders, it appears to be the first since the start of the Covid pandemic. I hope it is useful in providing the birding community with a glimpse of Fiji birding (hopefully) post Covid.
We flew from Sydney, Australia to Nadi (pronounced Nandi), Fiji and straight on to the island of Taveuni in the NE of Fiji where we stayed for 4 Nights. We then flew to Suva on the main island of Vita Levu for 3 nights and then on to the southern island of Kadavu (pronounced Kandavu) for 2 nights. From Kadavu we returned to Nadi for 3 nights and then home to Sydney. The order of the islands and time on each island was in part determined by the availability of flights and accommodation. These were somewhat limited as travel to Fiji opened only on 1 December 2021. All flights and accommodations were booked in advance.
The intention of the trip was to see bird we had NOT PREVIOUSLY SEEN rather than to see as many birds as possible. This report is therefor biased against migratory and pelagic species and birds that are commonly found outside Fiji as we made no effort to seek them out.
Covid regulations required us to get a PCR test within 48 hours of departure from Australia, to be fully vaccinated, to have travel insurance covering Covid treatment in Fiji, to have downloaded a Fiji Covid app, and to have a 3 night booking to a “Covid safe” hotel or resort. We were also required to have a RAT test at that accommodation after 48 hours. In practice this all went very smoothly as we were well prepared. We did note some passengers were denied boarding of the flight to Fiji on the basis that they had not had the PCR test.
7 February 2022
We departed Sydney on a 6:15 am flight arriving in Nadi at 11:15 am. This allowed us to transit directly to Taveuni on the 14:25 Fiji Link flight arriving at 15:50. The weather forecast for Fiji had been diabolical for the first 4 days of the trip. It was bucketing down with rain in Nadi on our arrival. Our first Fijian bird was FIJI WOODSWALLOW. Apart from the ubiquitous Common and Jungle Mynas (never to be mentioned again!) nothing else was showing itself in the rain.
We boarded the small plane to Taveuni in torrential downpour, uncertain whether we would be able to land. As it turned out the skies more or less cleared as we approached Taveuni and the ground was dry.

We were picked up by a car from Aroha Taveuni Resort, certified to be “Covid safe”, for the 45 minute drive to the resort. On the drive we saw literally dozens of PACIFIC KINGFISHER on the electricity wires and two FIJI GOSHAWK on the poles.
Aroha Taveuni Resort is a delightful small resort right on the edge of the Somosomo Strait. There is an in-house restaurant which serves nice food. Aroha has the advantage of being close to the road leading up to Des Voeux Peak, the key birding site on Taveuni. Walking around the gardens on the resort showed little apart from a female VANIKORO FLYCATCHER. I was a little surprised at how few native birds were seen here (the unmentionable ferals were there in profusion).
The regulations required that we isolate for 3 days and then get a RAT test at the Lodge. I had enquired of the resort, prior to coming, whether these Covid regulations would allow us to go up Des Voeux Peak on our first full day, I was told that as long as the car was “Covid safe” it was OK, as we would not meet anyone else there. I immediately responded by asking to have a suitable 4×4 booked for 5:00 on 8 Feb.
8 Feb 2022
Ajmet duly picked us up in his Hilux at 5:00 and we set off for the peak. We had got only a short way up the peak when we found the road had been washed away by the recent heavy rain. As it was not raining then, but the forecast for the next few days was for endless rain, I decided to leave Robin, Ajmet and the stuck car and proceed on foot. It was a long, continuously steep and demanding climb with the aim of reaching the ‘top gate’ referred to in previous reports. As the sky began to lighten the raucous screams of MAROON SHINING PARROTS filled the air. They were very common, occasionally providing close views. The next sighting was of a BARKING IMPERIAL PIGEON perched prominently in the top of a bare tree. The calls of this bird were common and I saw a number of them. A pair of COLLORED LORY screamed across the treetops providing a brief but distinctive sighting. Climbing further I found a bush with a small flock of FIJI WHITE-EYE. Traversing a heavily grassed section of track I sighted a single juvenile FIJI PARROTFINCH. Still further I started to hear the strident calls of FIJI WATTLED HONEYEATER which eventually showed themselves. Although it was by now daytime the light was poor, being dimmed by low cloud.
After I had been climbing steadily for 2 hours I had reached the un-cut forest but with no sign of the gate. I was very relieved to hear the rumble of a car engine coming up behind me. Ajmet had spent over an hour filling the washed out section of road with rocks and had managed to drive on up. I clambered aboard and we drove on, It turned out I would have had probably a kilometre still to climb to the gate. We parked at the gate and walked up a few bends but the forest was very quiet with the sky growing ever darker and a heavy mist drifting in.
I had heard of a track 100m or so below the gate on the LHS when descending. Ajmet said he knew it well and that it was a rather tortuous path., He and I went down the track which is very clear but with mud holes, fallen logs and twisted tree roots. One passes a first stream bed that has a rough bridge over it and then a very steep gully that one has to climb down into. After this the track climbs for about 100m to a flattish spot where Ajmet laid eyes on the first TAVEUNI SILKTAIL. It seems that this is an established territory as we saw 5 Silktail in the adjacent forest, including one very prolonged viewing, for some minutes, of a bird on a branch looking very relaxed. I thought we heard Yellow-billed Honeyeater here but we didn’t see it and a bit of tape playing failed to elicit a response. We went along the track a bit further but nothing new showed. Returning along the track we picked up a pair of FIJI BUSH WARBLER which showed well. Immediately after that the rain started quite heavily and we got back to the car as quickly as possible.

Ajmet drove us very carefully down the very slippery road to our resort for a well earned rest. Ajmet is not strictly a bird guide as he doesn’t know the birds or their calls, but he has good ears and eyes, has the right vehicle, is industrious and enterprising and knows the places to go. We used him for another 2 expeditions and I recommend him highly. He can be contacted on +679 215 2612.
It was unfortunate that we didn’t see Yellow-billed Honeyeater, which is a Taveuni endemic. It is said to only occur at higher altitudes on the island and that Des Voeux Peak is about the only practical site for it.
9 Feb 2022
The 9th was forecast to be very wet but turned out to be relatively clear with some sun. Rather frustratingly we could see Des Voeux Peak, cloud free, towering above us. Just the day for the peak, damn it! Instead we walked to the 180 degree meridian site and to the famed and spectacular natural waterslide in the morning. We picked up a Wandering Tattler roosting on a rock protruding from the water beside the road and a few Pacific Swallows on the electricity wires. A single Australian Magpie was found on the oval beside the Meridian site. Other than these there were surprisingly few (to me at least) birds around.

In the afternoon Ajmet drove us to what is colloquially called Bobby’s Farm but more formally known as Nabogiono Farms. Naresh (aka Bobby) runs an “alternative” farm using organic principles and growing a host of unusual plants with interesting fruit and/or herbal properties. Previous reports suggested Bobby’s Farm was best visited in the late afternoon. This was apparently the case before Cyclone Winston, when Orange Dove could be relied upon to land in the same tree each day at around 4:00 pm. Regrettably this is no longer the case. The Doves resident there all died after the cyclone and none have come in to replace them. ORANGE DOVE ARE NOT SEEN AT BOBBY’S FARM NOW. The site is however still very much worth a visit, for the birds, the plants and to meet Naresh who is a most interesting and knowledgeable man. Naresh suggests that first thing in the morning is the best time for the birds. Call Naresh ahead of time on+ 679 9238612 or to arrange a visit.

We had excellent views of MANY-COLOURED FRUIT DOVE, Metallic Pigeon, SULPHUR-BREASTED MYZOMELA, SLATY MONARCH, Vanikoro Flycatcher and Fiji White-eye.
10 Feb 2022
We got Ajmet to drive us to the Tavoro Waterfalls in the Bouma National Park departing at 6:00. This required an hour and a quarter drive to the other side of the island. There are three falls, the best birding being between the second and third falls. While the track goes uphill quite steeply after the first falls, the track is well made and generally in good order.
A bit over half way from the second to the third falls we came upon a pair of Taveuni Silktails which was nice as it gave Robin a view of these very smart birds showing well in good light and no rain. We pressed on to the third pool and were enjoying its ambience when I suddenly saw a male ORANGE DOVE flying between patches of forest on either side of the top of the falls. The view was brief but the bird was so spectacular in colouration that it was very clear what it was. Walking back we came upon a small group of Silktail. While watching them I played a tape of the AZURE-CRESTED FLYCATCHER on spec. A pair shot in and provided great views of both the male and female – a most attractive bird. Shortly thereafter a FIJI SHRIKEBILL moved through the forest again performing nicely.
On returning to the start of the track we paid our entrance fee (the office wasn’t open when we arrived). I heard a pair of POLYNESIAN TRILLERS which sat up nicely in a tree beside the office. Driving back to Aroha lodge we noted a White-faced Heron and a flock of grey phase Pacific Reef Herons on sand flats close to the airport.
There are now two species of Silktail recognised by IOC, the Taveuni Silktail (Lamprolia victoriae), endemic to the island of Taveuni, and the Natewa Silktail (Lamprolia klinesmithi), endemic to the Natewa peninsular on the island of Vanua Levu. The Natewa peninsular is directly across the the Somosomo Strait from Aroha Taveuni Resort. I am told there is a ferry across the strait to near the village of Loa, or one can hire a boat to take one there. From Loa there is a road skirting Buca Bay which leads to a property that I am told is a very reliable spot for Natewa Silktail. If one can get a car from Loa to the property this might be a convenient way to get this isolated bird while birding Taveuni. I am willing to pass on the property details and contact number that I have been given.
11 Feb 2022
In the morning we flew to Suva and took a taxi to the Rainforest Eco-Lodge on the edge of the Colo-i-Suva (pronounced Tholo-i-Suva) forest. The “resort” is set around a lake formed from an old quarry and is surrounded by forest. The property has been largely unused for the duration of the Covid travel embargo and has also changed hands. It struck us that the new management had not yet got on top of running the place. Despite having one of their best bures we had no water for most of our stay which was very frustrating. Housekeeping came late in the afternoon and seemingly only because we asked. The restaurant is now owned separately from the accommodation. They were choosing not to open for breakfast while we were there, which was rather inconvenient which the lodge made no effort to address. Fortunately we got around that by buying a continental breakfast each evening from the restaurant and taking it to our room. The restaurant did provide lunches and dinners of an acceptable standard without being in any way special. The Eco- lodge is so far from other facilities that it is not practical to eat out unless one has a car. We had originally planned to come back to Suva and stay at the Eco-lodge, in view of the sub-standard accommodation offered we cancelled and spent the time in Nadi instead.
After our first lunch we birded around the lodge where we saw MASKED SHINING PARROT, GIANT HONEYEATER and KILAU.
We had booked Vilikesa (Vili) Masibalavu to guide us to look for the skulkers, Long-legged Thicket Warbler and Pink-billed Parrotfinch, on the 12th. Vili is the most experienced bird guide in Fiji and is extremely knowledgeable on matters ornithological. He also turned out to be a lovely person and it was a delight to bird with him. Vili can be contacted on +679 238 6615 or . He was kind enough to drop into the Eco-lodge this afternoon to discuss plans and to have a bit of a walk around to show us the lie of the land. Among a number of other birds, Vili pointed out a female GOLDEN DOVE.
12 Feb 2022
Vili picked us up at 5:30 and drove us in his van up the valley of the Rewa River to the vicinity of Nadakuni Village. On the way, after sunrise, a CHESTNUT-THROATED FLYCATCHER shot across the road providing brief views.
We birded open cultivated land for a few minutes seeing, among others, Metallic Pigeon, Barking Imperil Pigeon, Red-vented Bulbul, Pacific Kingfisher, Masked Shining Parrot, Collared Lory, Sulphur-breasted Myzomela and Fiji Bush Warbler.
Vili then took us to a first territory for the Long-legged Thicket Warbler. It was not far from the road at the top of a steep sided shallow valley. We soon heard the bird calling but it did not respond to the call and sounded as though it was on the other side of the valley. After a long period of watching, listening and waiting we decided that this bird was not going to come in and play so we went to another nearby territory. This second territory was somewhat further from the road, along the stream bed in a more gently sloping sides of another shallow valley. We did not even hear the bird at this site. In desperation we decided to return to the first territory and try to make our way down the steep sides of the valley, We got back to the first territory but before we could descend into the valley Vili heard the call nearby at the top of the slope a bit further along the valley edge. We approached where it had called from and played a short burst of the call. We saw a flash through the bushes and I then glimpsed the silhouette of a LONG-LEGGED THICKET WARBLER on the ground beneath overhanging ferns. The bird flew a short distance and landed on the ground. Another burst of tape brought the bird into an opening where we had a clear but brief view before it noted our presence and vanished back into its thicket. A fantastic experience!
After this excitement we went to another nearby area to look for Pink-billed Parrotfinch. These birds don’t establish territories so finding them is a more hit-and-miss exercise. We walked a forested section of road where the parrotfinch is regularly seen but had no luck. We drove back to the Eco-Lodge in a thunderstorm.
In the afternoon the skies cleared and I went into the Colo-i-Suva Forest. This was a bit problematic. Many of the tracks are closed for reasons unknown, including the track entrance closest to the Eco-Lodge. This means one enters through the road entrance and it is quite a long walk along the road to the upper pools track. The forest beside the road was very quiet. When I got to the car park I paid my entrance fee but was told I had to be accompanied by someone if I wanted to walk on the tracks, apparently for security reasons. This was a rather strange experience having a “tail” trailing along behind me. I walked the trail to the upper pools, which was not very long, for about half an hour. The best birding was around a picnic shelter on the ridge but I found nothing new. I did not seem to be required to pay my “tail”. I was encouraged to take a lift back out of the forest but chose to walk. The forest along the road remained silent. As I emerged onto the main road adjacent to the entrance gate I heard Black-throated Shrikebill deep in the forest. I tried attracting it with call but had no success and the bird went unseen.
13 Feb 2022
This was essentially a non-birding day with a very fine lunch at the Grand Pacific Hotel though I did an early morning walk around the Eco-Lodge. We had a post lunch drive in a taxi around the waterfront area of Suva and saw a large flock of White-faced Heron and a couple of Fiji Goshawks flew over. It poured in the late afternoon preventing any birding.
14 Feb 2022
I had arranged with Vili to do an early morning birding up the FEA Tower Road. Unfortunately it poured with rain all night and the early part of the morning which killed the birding plans.
We headed to the airport mid-morning and I got the taxi to detour onto Colo-i-Suva road, through the village of Colo-i-Suva to the water tanks at the junction of FEA Tower Road and Pipeline Road. I walked a very short way up the Tower Road and it seemed very birdy. Pipeline Road had a locked gate and an impressively large fence preventing entry. I was told that for security reasons it was illegal to enter Pipeline Road even if one could. This seems a pity as earlier reports suggest it provides good birding.
We flew to Kadavu at midday and were met by Johnny from Papageno Lodge at the airport. We walked across the road from the airport to a beach where an open boat awaited to transport us over the 40 minute ride to the lodge. The water was fairly smooth and the rain held off until the last few minutes of our voyage meaning we and our luggage stayed reasonably dry. It would be a good idea to put clothing and the like in plastic bags inside one’s suitcases as the boat trip could have been very wet from spray or rain. We disembarked on the superb beach in front of Papageno Lodge.
Papageno lodge is largely self-sustaining with vegetable gardens, fruit orchards and chickens. The accommodation comes with full board and the food was delicious. Can you imagine taro leaf soup with coconut cream? No, well it is to die for! Delicious fish dishes, roast chicken, lots of fresh fruit – wonderful. Meals are served in the main house and one is accommodated in bures scattered about the property. Our bure was most pleasantly furnished and decorated. There were fresh flowers in the room and in a foot washing bath outside the door.
An interesting cultural touch is one is given both a welcoming and a farewelling kava ceremony attended by all the staff (we were the only guests at the time). The staff were all incredibly friendly and welcoming, the ceremony interesting and the Kava not to our taste.
Immediately after lunch I started birding and soon saw SCARLET SHINING PARROT, KANDAVU WATTLED HONEYEATER, POLYNESIAN STARLING, Slaty Monarch and Silvereye . There was no sign of either the Kadavu Flycatcher or the Whistling Fruit Dove and that is the way it stayed throughout our stay despite hours of patient searching.

15 Feb 2022
I started birding at 6:oo and continued for most of the day. A pair of Many-coloured Fruit Dove flew over in the post dawn light, a Pacific Kingfisher called and then showed itself and Silvereyes scooted around in a guava tree. A few Vanikoro Flycatchers moved around in the orchard and a couple of Barking Imperial Pigeons flew over. I had some awesome views of Scarlet Shining Parrot in the orchard. Down by the beach a Pacific Golden Plover roosted on a rock beside a Wandering Tattler and a pair of Greater Crested Tern while a grey phase Pacific Reef Heron stalked the strand.
I suddenly saw a green pigeon on the top of a dead palm tree and thought my dreams of a Whistling FD had come true. I grabbed the scope and got the bird In focus. It has a pink cap, a female Many Coloured Fruit Dove – bugger! Oh well it made a good digiscoped video even if it wasn’t the species I wanted. Shortly thereafter a Fiji Goshawk roosted in an adjacent tree.

The only problem with Papageno was it was a long way back to the road near the airport and the possibility of getting to other sites where the unseen endemics might be picked up. Had we been staying longer I would have tried to organise a trip to Vunisea-Namara road mentioned in earlier reports.
We snorkelled off the beach mid-afternoon. It was quite a long swim to get to good coral on the outside of the fringing reef but once there the swim was very worthwhile. Excellent coral of a variety of forms and vast numbers of brightly coloured fish.
It had been a glorious day with a slight breeze and continuous sunshine
16 Feb 2022
Thinking earlier might be better I started birding at 5:15 with no improvement in sightings – so much for the “early bird”! Above the lodge there is a track leading to a clearing for solar panels and above them water tanks. I spent considerable time there scanning the forest for pigeons without any positive result.
The return boat trip was on calm waters in bright sunshine. Lovely views of the island but no sea birds. Yesterday I had seen of flock of Petrel/Shearwaters however they were far too far away to identify.
We flew from Kadavu to Nadi on a flight scheduled for 2:13. Having arrived 2 hours ahead I canvased the possibly of getting a taxi to Namara Road but was told the plane was ahead of schedule and would leave as soon as the 4 booked passengers had checked in. As it turned out the plane left at least an hour early. No time for the hoped for excursion!
In Nadi we stayed at the Fiji Gateway Hotel which was very comfortable and only about 300 m from the airport. A reconnoitre of the gardens surrounding the hotel revealed nothing of interest.
17 Feb 2020
I had booked a Rav 4 car from Avis through 121 Car Hire who I stumbled upon while making a frustrating search for cars in Nadi through the internet. Surprisingly they were offering terms far better that Avis themselves. They had a 4×4 which Avis was not offering, they didn’t seem to be worried by my age and the price was lower than other sites. Avis turned out to provide exemplary service. The car was delivered to the hotel exactly at the time booked, it was in as new condition and they were OK with me driving on gravel roads to the two birding sites I specified.
I drove up the Nausori Highlands Road (an e-bird hotspot). From our hotel it was 25 Km on a reasonably good gravel road to Nausori village.It was quite easy driving in the Rav 4 but there were short sections that would have been tricky to manage in a 2WD car. Fortunately all the very steep sections of road had been bituminised. There was essentially no forest before the village but there were Woodswallows and Kingfishers on the wires. White-rumped Swiftlets cruised above, a Swamp Harrier floated by and a Red Avadavat was seen in a tree . A couple of Km past the village I came to the first small patch of remnant forest. A pair of Polynesian Trillers showed nicely. A first bridge was crossed at 29 Km with reasonable habitat and a second at 32 Km. Just beyond a third bridge at 34 Km was a tree covered in red blossom and filled with chattering honeyeaters and sulphur-breasted myzomelas. Another section of forest was encountered at 40 Km. I noted a Masked Shining Parrot here. Shortly after this top forest patch the road started to descend into a cleared valley so I turned back at this point (-17.79643, 177.675404). On the return I flushed a small party of Fiji Parrotfinch.

It was a gloriously sunny day and quite hot in the middle of the day when I turned back. It would no doubt have been more productive earlier in the day. The fantastic views of the highlands and down to the coast and offshore islands on the way back were most enjoyable
There has been large scale clearance of native forest along much of this road. Some land is used for farming but much is planted to Pine trees. Regrettably such little forest as remains is being actively logged.

I was given a small insight into how the large rural community in Fiji live. I picked up a farmer with a big sack of produce near Nausori Village and gave him a lift down to the main road. He normally waits, up to 2 hours, until a van comes along picking up passengers and pays FJD5 for the trip. We had an interesting chat along the way. As we got close to the main road, and it was clear I was not going into Nadi markets where he was hoping to sell his produce, he said “There is a problem”. It turned out that to get from where I would drop him off to the markets he would have to catch a bus costing FJD2 but he had no money until he sold his produce! Taking the van he would have paid on the return journey. Naturally I gave him the fare for which he thanked me profusely. It must be a very tough life when the next bus fare relies on selling a sack of produce.
18 Feb 2022
This was our last full day in Fiji and I was still short of Pacific Robin, Fiji Whistler and Black- throated Shrikebill. I decided to go to the other major E-bird Hotspot in the area, Abaca (pronounced Am-bu-tha) Village. It is around 35 Km from the hotel, initially on Queen’s Road and then on reasonable, but narrow, gravel roads. Again it was easy in the Rav 4 but there were spots where the low clearance of a 2WD would have been awkward, particularly crossing a ford.
Shortly before reaching the village we spotted a PACIFIC ROBIN, female, in roadside vegetation. There is a charge of FJD20 per person to enter the national park at Abaca. I was very happy to pay as the villages in the area seem to be making a real effort to preserve the habitat. We were taken from the village up to Nase lodge that the village runs where people can stay. All facilities are provided except for food which one has to bring. I understand that the lodge has cooking facilities. Bookings can be made through the chief of the village, Paulia Sikubu, at I understand the charge is around FJD35 per person per night.

The lodge is surrounded by a very nice, though small, stand of native forest. We found this quite birdy , I noted a female FIJI WHISTLER close to the lodge but missed the two males that Robin saw on our walk back to the village. We tried hard for our third target without any success.
19 Feb 2022
We had a RAT test for Covid in the morning at the hotel and submitted our Australian Digital Passenger Declaration in preparation for our flight home at 2:45 pm. The latter is a nightmare to complete the first time but will no doubt get easier with practice.
So ended a very enjoyable visit to Fiji. We saw some wonderful birds here and, as is often the case, we dipped on a few. The flights all worked fine and the accommodation and food were generally good and sometimes excellent. The standout feature of the holiday was the wonderful good nature of the Fijian people. We were shown amazing hospitality everywhere we went, from everyone we met. It was a great feeling. Thank you Fiji.
Species List (new birds in Bold)
- White-rumped Swiftlet (Aerodramus spodiopygius)
- Rock Dove (Columba livia)
- Metallic Pigeon (Columba vitiensis)
- Spotted Dove (Spilopelia chinensis)
- Many-colored Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus perousii)
- Orange Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus victor)
- Golden Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus luteovirens)
- Barking Imperial Pigeon (Ducula latrans)
- Masked Lapwing (Vanellus miles)
- Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva)
- Wandering Tattler (Tringa incana)
- Greater Crested Tern (Thalasseus bergii)
- Lesser Frigatebird (Fregata ariel)
- White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae)
- Pacific Reef Heron (Egretta sacra)
- Fiji Goshawk (Accipiter rufitorques)
- Swamp Harrier (Circus approximans)
- Pacific Kingfisher (Todiramphus sacer)
- Crimson Shining Parrot (Prosopeia splendens)
- Masked Shining Parrot (Prosopeia personata)
- Maroon Shining Parrot (Prosopeia tabuensis)
- Collared Lory (Vini solitaria)
- Sulphur-breasted Myzomela (Myzomela jugularis)
- Giant Honeyeater (Gymnomyza brunneirostris)
- Fiji Wattled Honeyeater (Foulehaio taviunensis)
- Kikau (Foulehaio procerior)
- Kandavu Honeyeater
- Fiji Woodswallow (Artamus mentalis)
- Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen)
- Polynesian Triller (Lalage maculosa)
- Fiji Whistler (Pachycephala vitiensis)
- Taveuni Silktail (Lamprolia victoriae)
- Slaty Monarch (Mayrornis lessoni)
- Fiji Shrikebill (Clytorhynchus vitiensis)
- Vanikoro Flycatcher (Myiagra vanikorensis)
- Azure-crested Flycatcher (Myiagra azureocapilla)
- Chestnut-throated Flycatcher
- Pacific Robin (Petroica pusilla)
- Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer)
- Pacific Swallow (Hirundo tahitica)
- Fiji Bush Warbler (Horornis ruficapilla)
- Long-legged Thicketbird (Cincloramphus rufus)
- Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis)
- Fiji White-eye (Zosterops explorator)
- Polynesian Starling (Aplonis tabuensis)
- Jungle Myna (Acridotheres fuscus)
- Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis)
- Fiji Parrotfinch (Erythrura pealii)
- Red Avadavat (Amandava amandava)