Wonderful service from Swarovski

On my recent trip to Colorado I took a tumble while birding above Loveland Pass at around 13,000 ft elevation. In addition to a few cuts and bruises I sustained damage to my Swarovski 10*42 binoculars. I have always found Swarovski Optics to be most helpful when I have damaged my bins (the only time I have had problems is when I have inadvertently caused the damage!). Again Hannes at Swarovski in Sydney came to my rescue. Even better that sending them to Austria as he has had to do previously, Hannes managed to unscrew the damaged eye-cap and replace it from stock on hand. He then checked the alignment and found it undamaged. I was back in action with a smile, a cup of coffee and no charge.

I have always found Swarovski optical equipment to be absolutely top of the class, The commitment that the company has to after purchase service (and I have had my bins for more than 10 years) is at an even higher level, being in my experience unmatched.