The 7k by 80 Project has had a successful outcome ! An Andean Potoo seen on the BioAndina Road near Bogota, Colombia on 28 November was Peter Marsh’s 7,000th bird.

I am Peter Marsh, an Australian birder. This project documents my efforts, as I approach 80, to bring my birding life list up to 7,000 seen birds (using IOC taxonomy). I seriously started listing my bird sightings in 2002 as a retirement occupation. Initially most of my birding was in Australia but since 2008 has been increasingly overseas. I enjoy seeing all birds and the many and varied places in which they live. My special pleasure, however, is seeing new places and new birds.

Trips Planned, or Undertaken, for this Project
Peter – good luck on your progress. I am in a similar position but the target is 9000 and I am about 300 away. If I stopped now I’d probably get there in 20 years just via the splits! When I was 40 I hadn’t quite got to 4000 but I decided to get to 5000 by 50, 6000 by 60 etc. I got ahead of myself as I reached 8000 when I was 57! Good luck with your quest!
Dear Keith,
Thanks for your email and good wishes. I am very hopeful that a month in Colombia will produce the required new birds. I unfortunately started birding far too late to have any aspirations to get to your loft target.
Best regardsPeter
Congratulations on a very impressive achievement. Hope to hear more about it soon.